30 March 2012

Courtship Series

I have decided to embark on a series of 10 articles on courtship- one every fortnight. After a year of being in courtship myself, I feel that I am now an authority on the matter. No, I'm kidding. My year with my one and only, has been a learning experience and the learning continues. The articles on the subject are my own thoughts and various things I have gleaned from our courtship counseling sessions and our relationship. Hopefully, it will not only be a set of penned thoughts on the matter but may be useful to some, some day.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the readers of my blog. My mother has become my most publicly ardent reader, thanks Mom. Thanks to my dad for putting me up on his blog and increasing my readership by at least 90%! Thank you to those who from time to time, send me a note of encouragement, share what I write and put up links to my blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you, it means a lot. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!